昇華智障(銀河大腦、level meme、Expanding Brain、Whomst meme)
薩諾斯04 I Don't Even Know Who You Are
HowHow 啊 投資失敗啊
HowHow 翻白眼
HowHow 等著瞧吧!
譚德賽 WHO 三個月前 台灣人
HowHow 這麼好猜 比賽會好看嗎?
HowHow 珍妮佛羅培孜
華爾街之狼 No one who's married is fucking happy.
南方四賤客 蛋散 who the hell would want to do that
Who Killed Hannibal?
黑錢勝地 You're a low-rent daddy's boy who can't even pay to get respect.
Whole year sadness
It's too bad she won't live. But then again, who does?
Deng Yuwen: Traitor Who Are Wiling to Become Lackey of the U.S.
昇華智障(銀河大腦、level meme、Expanding Brain、Whomst meme)
陳時中 記者會 拿反 板子
HowHow 啊 投資失敗啊