華爾街之狼 我好興奮呀!
超人 救救瑪莎 蝙蝠俠 你為什麼要說那個名字
華爾街之狼 貧賤一點都不高尚
辦公室瘋雲 傻眼
華爾街之狼 It's already too late.
辦公室瘋雲 Kevin笑
華爾街之狼 Nobody gives a shit.
華爾街之狼 五花大綁
龍族前傳 How is it that you can be so shortsighted?
華爾街之狼 遊艇
華爾街之狼 眨眼
華爾街之狼 Absolutely fucking not!
黑袍糾察隊 Seriously?
廣告狂人 I want you to be very clear about this.
黑袍糾察隊 I don't give a shit.
華爾街之狼 No one who's married is fucking happy.
黑袍糾察隊 繼續面帶微笑 戲還是得演下去
龍族前傳 Because that is the order of things.
龍族前傳 You're no fool and yet you choose not to see it. The time is coming, Alicent.
矽谷群瞎傳 我不後悔
華爾街之狼 So boring. I wanna kill myself.
黑袍糾察隊 I mean it.
華爾街之狼 F**k you, USA! F**k you!
龍族前傳 (無字版)It's worth a thousand times the price he paid.
龍族前傳 (無字版)It's worth a thousand times the price he paid.
龍族前傳 歡呼
龍族前傳 Say it.
龍族前傳 驚愕
矽谷群瞎傳 I regret nothing.
龍族前傳 You're weak, Viserys.
龍族前傳 As I'm ceaselessly reminded.
龍族前傳 Are you mad?
龍族前傳 Simply by living and breathing!
龍族前傳 龍嗥
鐘點戰 天擇