駭客任務完結篇:最後戰役 Why? Why do you persist?
大亨小傳 You can't repeat the past. Of course you can.
You Are Known For
ma i a jock to you?
黑暗騎士 Did you mean it?
黑暗騎士 What are you doing?2
辦公室瘋雲 I don't wanna be, like, a guy here, you know?
鍋蓋頭 All you want is in. All I want is out. Welcome to the suck.
Young Max Verstappen
龍族前傳 You're no fool and yet you choose not to see it. The time is coming, Alicent.
駭客任務 How about... I give you the finger.
媽的多重宇宙 You have left me no option but to authorize the seizure of your personal and your business assets.
黑暗騎士 You complete me.
黑暗騎士 What are you doing?
半夜鬼上床 Whatever you do, don't fall asleep.
you will do that right?
南方四賤客 蛋散 god damn it would you like to shut the fuck up
矽谷群瞎傳 Are you fXXking kidding me?
華爾街之狼 F**k you, USA! F**k you!
和平使者 I think you're a loser.
wait you guys are getting paid 等等男孩