龍族前傳 How is it that you can be so shortsighted?
龍族前傳 Because that is the order of things.
龍族前傳 You're no fool and yet you choose not to see it. The time is coming, Alicent.
龍族前傳 (無字版)It's worth a thousand times the price he paid.
龍族前傳 歡呼
龍族前傳 驚愕
龍族前傳 Say it.
龍族前傳 Are you mad?
龍族前傳 Simply by living and breathing!
龍族前傳 龍嗥
龍族前傳 As I'm ceaselessly reminded.
龍族前傳 You're weak, Viserys.
龍族前傳 Say it. Bastards!
龍族前傳 癱
龍族前傳 You desire not to be free but to make a window in the wall of your prison.
龍族前傳 Bastards!
龍族前傳 It's worth a thousand times the price he paid.
龍族前傳 (無字版)Keep a grip on your passions.
龍族前傳 Keep a grip on your passions.
龍族前傳 There is no reason those hours couldn't, in the end benefit you.
龍族前傳 慟
龍族前傳 歡呼2
龍族前傳 交鋒
龍族前傳 令人髮指
龍族前傳 龍嗥2
龍族前傳 You're wiser than I believed you to be...
龍族前傳 爆發邊緣
龍族前傳 傻眼
龍族前傳 I'll have your tongue for that.
龍族前傳 飆龍
龍族前傳 攤手
龍族前傳 苦瓜臉
龍族前傳 你瘋了嗎?
龍族前傳 奸笑
龍族前傳 Gods be damned.
龍族前傳 I'll not see it ended on the account of this.