angry npc white
Cheating in Class 課堂作弊 空白
華爾街之狼 Absolutely fucking not!
Ching Chong Pikachu
Meow Meow Shaking
駭客任務 How about... I give you the finger.2
洛基 Tonight, we have had the privilege of witnessing the greatest exhibition of guts and stamina in the history of the ring!
arnold running
班艾佛列克抽菸 Ben Affleck smoking
黑暗騎士 Schemers trying to control their little worlds. I'm not a schemer.
Wanna eat something that my mom made
Oh my fucking god
everything is fine
諾曼第大空降 What? What are you saying?
what took you so long
Screaming hake
Angel Di Maria 美洲盃決賽致勝球
i’m in danger
《King's Raid - 王之逆襲》沙漠戰爭