華爾街之狼 選擇當有錢人
華爾街之狼 Was all this legal? Absolutely fucking not.
華爾街之狼 相視而笑
華爾街之狼 抓狂
華爾街之狼 I'm talking about this.
從前,有個好萊塢 那是我這輩子看過最好的演技
從前,有個好萊塢 一天比一天更廢
華爾街之狼 誘惑
從前,有個好萊塢 看電視2
華爾街之狼 Let's PARTY!
華爾街之狼 It's already too late.
華爾街之狼 Nobody gives a shit.
華爾街之狼 五花大綁
華爾街之狼 眨眼
華爾街之狼 Absolutely fucking not!
從前,有個好萊塢 看電視
大亨小傳 You can't repeat the past. Of course you can.
華爾街之狼 So boring. I wanna kill myself.
大亨小傳 Of course you can.
隔離島 驚愕
隔離島 I don't remember that.